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- /*
- Amiga port by Oliver Gantert
- 27.04.2000 - fixed some compiler warnings
- */
- /*
- ORBIT, a freeware space combat simulator
- Copyright (C) 1999 Steve Belczyk <steve1@genesis.nred.ma.us>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "orbit.h"
- void InitPlayer()
- /*
- * Set up initial player position, etc.
- */
- {
- /* Initial position */
- player.pos[0] = planet[3].pos[0] - 2.0*planet[3].radius;
- player.pos[1] = planet[3].pos[1];
- player.pos[2] = planet[3].pos[2];
- /* Up vector */
- player.up[0] = 0.0;
- player.up[1]= 0.0;
- player.up[2] = 1.0;
- /* Viewing vector */
- player.view[0] = 1.0;
- player.view[1] = 0.0;
- player.view[2] = 0.0;
- /* Right-hand vector */
- Crossp (player.right, player.up, player.view);
- Normalize (player.right);
- /* Velocity components */
- player.vel[0] = player.vel[1] = player.vel[2] = 0.0;
- player.throttle = 0.0;
- /* Shields */
- player.shields = player.maxshields = 100.0;
- /* Weapon */
- player.weapon = 0;
- player.msl_idle = 0.0;
- }
- void MovePlayer()
- {
- double v[3], theta, deltav[3];
- int p, t, was_still;
- char buf[128];
- /* Aim player if view is locked */
- if (player.viewlock) ViewLock();
- /* Compute angle to move, given time change */
- theta = THETA * deltaT;
- /* Deltav will be change in velocity components due to thrust */
- deltav[0] = deltav[1] = deltav[2] = 0.0;
- /* Keep track if we've gone from still to not still or vice versa */
- was_still = player.still;
- player.still = 1;
- if (player.move_left > 0.0)
- {
- RotateAbout (v, player.view, player.up, -theta*player.move_left);
- Vset (player.view, v);
- Normalize (player.view);
- Crossp (player.right, player.up, player.view);
- Normalize (player.right);
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_right > 0.0)
- {
- RotateAbout (v, player.view, player.up, theta*player.move_right);
- Vset (player.view, v);
- Normalize (player.view);
- Crossp (player.right, player.up, player.view);
- Normalize (player.right);
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_up > 0.0)
- {
- RotateAbout (v, player.view, player.right, theta*player.move_up);
- Vset (player.view, v);
- Normalize (player.view);
- Crossp (player.up, player.view, player.right);
- Normalize (player.up);
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_down > 0.0)
- {
- RotateAbout (v, player.view, player.right, -theta*player.move_down);
- Vset (player.view, v);
- Normalize (player.view);
- Crossp (player.up, player.view, player.right);
- Normalize (player.up);
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_pitchright > 0.0)
- {
- RotateAbout (v, player.up, player.view, -theta*player.move_pitchright);
- Vset (player.up, v);
- Normalize (player.up);
- Crossp (player.right, player.up, player.view);
- Normalize (player.right);
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_pitchleft > 0.0)
- {
- RotateAbout (v, player.up, player.view, theta*player.move_pitchleft);
- Vset (player.up, v);
- Normalize (player.up);
- Crossp (player.right, player.up, player.view);
- Normalize (player.right);
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_forward > 0.0)
- {
- if (player.flightmodel == FLIGHT_NEWTONIAN)
- {
- if (warpspeed)
- {
- if (superwarp && !am_client && !am_server)
- Vmul (v, player.view, 100.0*player.move_forward*DELTAV*deltaT);
- else
- Vmul (v, player.view, deltaT * (player.move_forward*DELTAV + WARP_COEFF*Mag(player.vel)));
- }
- else
- Vmul (v, player.view, player.move_forward*DELTAV*deltaT);
- Vadd (deltav, deltav, v);
- }
- else
- {
- if (player.throttle < MAX_THROTTLE)
- {
- if (warpspeed)
- player.throttle += 10.0*player.move_forward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- else
- player.throttle += player.move_forward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (warpspeed)
- player.throttle += 10.0*100.0*player.move_forward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- else
- player.throttle += 100.0*player.move_forward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- }
- if (player.throttle > MAX_WARP_THROTTLE)
- player.throttle = MAX_WARP_THROTTLE;
- }
- player.still = 0;
- }
- if (player.move_backward > 0.0)
- {
- if (player.flightmodel == FLIGHT_NEWTONIAN)
- {
- if (warpspeed)
- {
- if (superwarp && !am_client && !am_server)
- Vmul (v, player.view, -100.0*player.move_backward*DELTAV*deltaT);
- else
- Vmul (v, player.view, -deltaT * (player.move_backward*DELTAV + WARP_COEFF*Mag(player.vel)));
- }
- else
- Vmul (v, player.view, -player.move_backward*DELTAV*deltaT);
- Vadd (deltav, deltav, v);
- }
- else
- {
- if (player.throttle < MAX_THROTTLE)
- {
- if (warpspeed)
- player.throttle -= 10.0*player.move_backward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- else
- player.throttle -= player.move_backward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (warpspeed)
- player.throttle -= 100.0*10.0*player.move_backward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- else
- player.throttle -= 100.0*player.move_backward*DELTAV*deltaT;
- }
- if (player.throttle < 0.0) player.throttle = 0.0;
- }
- player.still = 0;
- }
- /* Compute change to velocity */
- if (player.flightmodel == FLIGHT_NEWTONIAN)
- {
- Vadd (player.vel, player.vel, deltav);
- }
- else
- {
- Vmul (player.vel, player.view, player.throttle);
- }
- /* Compute gravity's contribution */
- if (gravity && (player.flightmodel == FLIGHT_NEWTONIAN) )
- {
- Gravity (deltav, player.pos);
- Vadd (player.vel, player.vel, deltav);
- }
- /* Finaly, move player */
- Vmul (v, player.vel, deltaT);
- Vadd (player.pos, player.pos, v);
- /* See if player cratered on the planet */
- if (vulnerable)
- {
- if (-1 != (p = InsidePlanet (player.pos)))
- {
- if (!am_client && !am_server)
- {
- /* Make an explosion */
- Vsub (v, player.pos, planet[p].pos);
- Vmul (v, v, planet[p].radius*1.05);
- Vadd (v, v, planet[p].pos);
- Boom (v, 1.0);
- /* Send player back home */
- InitPlayer();
- gravity = 0;
- ReadMission (mission.fn);
- /* Give the bad news */
- sprintf (buf, "You hit %s and died!\\\\Restarting mission.",
- planet[p].name);
- Mprint (buf);
- }
- else if (am_server)
- {
- NetTargetCratered (client[server.client].target, p);
- NetPlayerDies();
- sprintf (buf, "You hit %s and died!", planet[p].name);
- Mprint (buf);
- }
- }
- }
- /* In network games, update position of target for the player */
- if (am_client || am_server)
- {
- if (am_client) t = client[clientme.client].target;
- if (am_server) t = client[server.client].target;
- Vset (target[t].pos, player.pos);
- Vset (target[t].vel, player.vel);
- Vset (target[t].up, player.up);
- Vset (target[t].view, player.view);
- target[t].move_up = player.move_up;
- target[t].move_down = player.move_down;
- target[t].move_right = player.move_right;
- target[t].move_left = player.move_left;
- target[t].move_pitchright = player.move_pitchright;
- target[t].move_pitchleft = player.move_pitchleft;
- }
- /* If we've gone from still to not still, or other way around,
- send position report */
- if (was_still != player.still)
- {
- if (am_client) clientme.urgent = 1;
- QueuePositionReport();
- }
- }
- void UpdatePlayer()
- /*
- * Update all sorts of stuff for the player
- */
- {
- MovePlayer();
- /* Maintain shields */
- player.shields += deltaT * SHIELD_REGEN;
- if (player.shields > player.maxshields)
- player.shields = player.maxshields;
- /* Weapon idle time */
- player.msl_idle += deltaT;
- /* Dead time */
- if (state == STATE_DEAD1)
- {
- player.dead_timer -= deltaT;
- if (player.dead_timer <= 0.0)
- {
- state = STATE_DEAD2;
- player.dead_timer = 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- void PlayerFires()
- /*
- * Player maybe fires a missile
- */
- {
- double v[3];
- paused = 0;
- /* Not if dead */
- if (state == STATE_DEAD1) return;
- /* Fire button respawns us */
- if (state == STATE_DEAD2)
- {
- state = STATE_NORMAL;
- return;
- }
- /* Can't fire too rapidly */
- if (player.msl_idle < weapon[player.weapon].idle)
- {
- return;
- }
- player.msl_idle = 0.0;
- /* Okay, fire the missile */
- Vmul (v, player.up, -0.01);
- Vadd (v, v, player.pos);
- FireMissile (v, player.vel, player.view, 1, player.weapon, -1);
- /* Send network notification */
- if (am_client)
- {
- SendASCIIPacket (clientme.socket, "FIRE %d", player.weapon);
- }
- if (am_server)
- {
- NetClientFires (server.client, player.weapon);
- }
- }
- void DoName()
- /*
- * Sparky has typed a new name
- */
- {
- int i, len;
- len = strlen (text.buf);
- /* Remove spaces */
- for (i=0; i<len; i++)
- {
- if (text.buf[i] == ' ') text.buf[i] = '_';
- }
- strcpy (player.name, text.buf);
- }
- void ViewLock()
- /*
- * Aim player toward locked object
- */
- {
- double pos[3], v[3];
- v[0] = 1.0; v[1] = 0.0; v[2] = 0.0;
- /* Not if we're not locked */
- if (lock.target == (-1)) return;
- /* Figure out what we're locked on */
- if (lock.type == LOCK_ENEMY)
- {
- Vset (pos, target[lock.target].pos);
- }
- else if (lock.type == LOCK_FRIENDLY)
- {
- Vset (pos, target[lock.target].pos);
- }
- else if (lock.type == LOCK_PLANET)
- {
- Vset (pos, planet[lock.target].pos);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Can't happen */
- Log ("ViewLock: Invalid lock.type");
- return;
- }
- /* Set view vector */
- Vsub (player.view, pos, player.pos);
- Normalize (player.view);
- /* Set up vector */
- /* Perp (player.up, player.view); */
- Crossp (player.up, player.view, v);
- Normalize (player.up);
- /* Try to keep the up vector pointing up */
- /* if (player.up[2] < player.pos[2]) Vmul (player.up, player.up, -1.0); */
- /* Set right-hand vector */
- Crossp (player.right, player.up, player.view);
- }